10 Unusual Ways To Enjoy Some Of Egypt’s Most Famous Sights
It would be just repetitive to talk about the significance of Egypt in human history, being the oldest country in the world, the craddle of civilization, and how Ancient Egyptians have had unmatched mastery of engineering, astronomy, art, medicine, math,
20 Things You Need To Know Before Traveling To Egypt
One of the most exciting things about travel lies in getting out of our comfort zone, breaking free from our daily routine, and forgetting about everything back home to get a real feel of the country we are visiting, yet
12 Non-Touristy Things You Didn’t Know You Can Do In Cairo
You're in Cairo for the second or even the first time, you're a local who has been almost everywhere, bored-sick from the city, and want to go completely off-the-beaten-track, but still wandering in circles, looking for non-touristy things to do
8 Beautiful Souvenirs You Must Get In Egypt
This is a guest post by Dee Nowak, of the travel blog Vanilla Papers. Dee lives in Cairo and writes about slow travel and simple living. Did you ever get excited about a souvenir at an exotic market only to come
Safety in Egypt: Expectations vs. Reality
How safety in Egypt is like? Is Egypt safe? Is it safe to travel to Egypt in 2019, 2018,
Ramadan in Egypt: A Guide to Understanding the Culture
So yesterday marked the start of the Holy month of Ramadan -the Muslim fasting month-, I am sure that many non-muslims have so many questions & concerns regarding Ramadan in Egypt, and if one should or should not travel to
17 Places With Live Music in Cairo (Not a DJ, Restaurant, Bar or Club)
After visiting Cairo, ticking-off some bucket-list items; the Pyramids of Giza & the Sphinx, the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities & the old souq of Khan El-Khalili, eating at every freaking local restaurant, food stall, or cart, trying all recommended dishes
Ancient Egypt 101 – A Short History Lesson
Besides being one of the world's oldest and greatest civilizations of all time, it's intriguing how with all advanced technologies, and recent discoveries till that day no one was able to tell who actually built the Pyramids? how many treasures
A Brief Introduction to the City of Saint Catherine Sinai
Why Visitors Usually Travel to the City of Saint Catherine? When considering a visit to the City of Saint Catherine (a.k.a Katrina), one would only think about climbing Mt. Moses (a.k.a. Mt. Sinai) to witness the sun rise or set, marvel at
Egypt Trains – Sleeper Train to Luxor/Aswan: Yes or No?
Since we've been asked countless times whether to choose to fly to Luxor/Aswan direct, or if it's better & cheaper to go by train? To answer your question, I rolled my sleeves, and decided to travel to Aswan by train,